816 | Fine Arts & Antiques
Important Collection of Historical Arms
from the Barons von Elmendorff, Veynau castle
Auction: November 08th/09th 2023
Viewing: November 03rd – November 06th 2023, 11 am – 5 pm
Frog-mouth helm
South German or Tyrol c. 1490/1500
Forged and riveted plates. Fluted top plate with fluted sides. Oblong holes at the sides for hearing. Hinged brackets at the sides and rear for mounting. Two unclear marks in front.
Sword (1 1/2 handed)
1st half 15th ct.
Blade with copper inlaid “Passau wolf” and cross.
Complete plate armor
End of 19th ct.
Iron, partly with linen undergarments.
Chivalry sword (1 1/2 handed)
15th ct.
Cleaned. Blade and pommel with inlaid silver cross. Tang with forge mark.
Grid helmet for the Kolbenturnier
Mid 16th ct.
Restored attic find preserved with wax. Iron.
C. 1600
Flamed blade with mark inlaid in copper. Leathered ricasso.
Tournament lance for the “Scharfrennen”
16. ct.
Beautiful, antique original.