817 | Varia
Sell at Nagel Auktionen
If you would like to sell art or antiques at the highest prices, then you will find NAGEL AUKTIONEN to be an experienced partner with international contacts. We will appraise and value your objects free of charge, confidentially and without obligation.
To offer us objects, you have several options. For larger collections or very valuable objects, we also offer an on-site appraisal at your home.
Our shared goal:
Sell your art successfully at the highest prices!
The competent and experienced team of experts at NAGEL AUKTIONEN accompanies the sale of your art – whether collection, estate or individual piece.
Differentiated marketing concepts achieve top international prices for your art. Take advantage of our experience in the art market and consign now! We look forward to hearing from you.
+49 (0) 711 649 69 0
+49 151 2013 4427
Written request
If you prefer a written inquiry, then please send us a simple photograph of your object. Please let us know as well whether the object exhibits a signature or a date. Indicate the object’s dimensions, materials, origin and state of preservation. The Nagel expert in charge will contact you.
Whattsapp: +49 151 2013 4427
Email: contact@auction.de
Consultancy in our offices:
If you value direct and personal consultancy, we will be happy to welcome you to our premises. In this case, please be sure to make an appointment beforehand. Then you can bring your object along and obtain an appraisal and an estimate on the spot. You will benefit from the market experience of our experts.
Consultancy on site:
If you have an entire collection, heavy furniture or large-scale works, then we will bring our consultancy into your home. In this case, please contact us. We do quite a bit of travelling in the course of the year and hold expert and appraisal days in various German cities.
If you are in agreement with the appraisal of the Nagel expert and decide to let us handle your consignment, then you can also set a confidential limit price with the expert. Then your object will not be sold below this limit price. Once you have reached agreement, our expert will give you an auction order form to sign. It contains the general terms and conditions of business, details on any possible costs of describing the object and including an illustration in the catalogue, as well as the amount of the commission.
Now your object will remain on our premises, where it will be treated, described, photographed and published in the auction catalogue. If appraisals by international experts must be commissioned or other costs arise, as for restoration, for instance, you will, of course, be informed of them beforehand by our staff.
Once your object has been successfully sold at auction, you will receive an account containing the knockdown price with the commission and ancillary costs deducted. The final amount will be paid to you six weeks after the auction in cash, check or bank transfer, as you wish.